Monday, February 25, 2008

Birthday Wishes

In just under a month I will be turning the big 2-6. Usually birthdays are not a big deal for me. I like things low-key (which I am sure is obvious). My dad's birthday is 4 days before me so we usually combine our birthdays together for one family dinner. It typically falls on St. Patty's Day so my mom makes up a full scale St. Patty's Day meal. So good. Nothing gets me drooling like crispy potato pancakes.

The hubbs usually asks for what I want and I say, "nothing" but secretly hoping he will get inspired and go on a shopping spree to spoil me. Does not happen, but he always gets me something very nice.

I have been catching myself surfing the net looking for things I can ask for from the hubbs and the family. For the past couple of birthdays, I have been getting house stuff but I am kind of over that whole thing. I am not trying to sound spoiled (which I definetly am not). I want something for me... not something for the dining room wall or for mowing the lawn (okay that was a bit exaggerated). People usually ask me what I want but I feel weird about giving them my list, but I think that is the way I am gonna roll from now on. I know I appreciate it when someone is direct with me on what they want. This goes for Christmas too. I know I may be too old to actually ask for things, but the reality is, my family is going to continue getting me gifts so they might as well be what I was wishing for, right? So in no particular order, here are some items which have tickled my fancy.

J.Crew Sweater Dress

Kate Spade purse

Tiffany & Co necklace

Cozy GAP sweater for Spring

Coach purse


Lindz said...

A St. Pattys bday would be so fun! I love that Tiffany necklace, perhaps I will have to ask for that one myself. Good choices.

Christy said...

This is a great idea. I always end up getting boring shit for my birthday, like picture frames. Ugh.

Just Jiff said...

Yeah, I always appreciate people being straight-forward too. I figure, if they ask...I can tell them what I want.

My hubby isn't big into buying gifts either. He informed me this year, "If you tell me nothing, then that's just what you'll get." Jerk.

So I told him a "spa package." He thought that was lame. Whatever, dood. He's the reason I need it. ha!

Anth said...

I don't think it's spoiled to provide a list, as long as the person asked for ideas. An unsolicited list is obviously a different matter.

And I vote for the purses. They are so pretty.

Amanda said...

That dress is adorable! Does hubbs read the blog?