Wednesday, November 12, 2008

She's Here!

Sonya Dixie arrived Friday November 11th at 9:55 p.m. She weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. and is 20.5 inches long. She had some fluid in her lungs so she had to stay in the NICU for the first three days. We went home on Monday. It was such an emotional experience that I will go into later when I have more time! I am SOOOOO happy to be home with her and I love her so much. Hubbs and I are smitten!


Stephanie said...

She is beautiful and you look amazing!!! Congratulations momma!

Just Jiff said...

Congrats mommy!
Bay had to stay in the step down nursery for a week. A WEEK, so I know you must've fallen apart when you were sent home and she had to stay. I'm glad she's home and healthy and happy. We won't expect much from you since you'll be up every two hours for a while. :) Congrats!!! She's BEAUTIFUL!!

Katie Marie said...

Congrats Mama!!!

She is perfect and you look awesome!!

Jen said...

Congratulations! Yay! You both look fabulous!

Mojavi said...

congrats! hope everything is going wonderfully! she is amazing!

Christy said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful.

Anth said...

She is a sweet little girl! So beautiful! Congratulations and glad she is doing better. Hope you're getting enough sleep.

Lainey-Paney said...

HOLY COW, whatta big baby!
How great do you look after just having a baby? Might I point out that is COMPLETELY unfair.
...oh, okay...fine. You had a 9+ pound deserve to look good after having her....

Look at all that hair!
What a cutie. Couldn't you just look at her for hours?

AM said...


High Heeled Mama said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful and you have that mama glow. Welcome to the mommy club!

Enjoy getting to know your new little princess.

Megan said...

Congratulations! She is beautiful!!

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Congratulations she is beautiful. Look at that hair!!

Neil and Meredith Larson said...

I'm de-lurking, I found your blog from Anth's. What a cutie! I love when new borns have the the cute chubby little cheeks. My baby had them! (Sooooooo much cuter then the shriveled old man look :)