Saturday, November 22, 2008

Getting the Hang Of It

I am getting used to this being a mommy thing. Took me a little while to remember I have a child I need to care for and that I can't just run to the drugstore without orchestrating a game plan as to how I will do so with Sonya around her sleeping, eating and getting changed. I have made a couple of trips out of the house by myself so far. Once she gets into her car seat she either zones out or just falls asleep.

Either way, I am loving being a mommy. Even with the lack of sleep, sore boobs and inhaled meals in between 2 minute naps, I think I am getting the hang of it.


Stephanie said...

That gives me hope then! I'm ready to see some more pictures of the little angel.

Just Jiff said...

Yeah, I don't take quick trips anywhere anymore. lol. And Bay is 8 months old! I try to run errands to get stamps and such on my lunch break at work because it's much easier than lugging around an infant carrier and diaper bag. :) But it's SO worth it, isn't it?

The tradeoffs aren't sacrifices. They're just how it is. You need to post more pics of sweet baby Sonya!!

Christy said...