Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Tad Late

For this pregnancy I am way behind with my nesting. I haven't taken one belly shot and I am 26 weeks! I haven't done a thing to the nursery for little man. In fact, the room is still a disaster zone housing piles of laundry, random boxes, dissassembled crib and changing table.

We have a lot of work to do. But it isn't a weekend of working hard can't do! I do know what I want to do for the design. I found this sports theme nursery on Pottery Barn Kids. We already have bedding but it isn't so theme'y, just navy and blue plaid with stars on the sheets.

I will be having a shower with this pregnancy which is pretty cool. I didn't really expect one but my party planning sister in law offered to host one since I would still need some things so of course I couldn't turn her down!

I am also contemplating doing a maternity photography session in the next several weeks. I took tons of belly shots with Miss S but didn't have maternity shots taken and think I might as well this time around because it is going to be my last one!

Am I way behind or is this normal with Baby #2?


Neil and Meredith Larson said...

With my second and third pregnancy I didn't do any nesting until the very very end so I think it is normal. I would also get the pregnancy photo shoot. I never did one and regret it. And I have the girl version of the rug in the nursery pic and I love love love it! It is super soft but durable.

Just Jiff said...

I'm prego with baby #2 too! Yay us! You look gorgeous!

And so far I've done very little, too. Just too exhausted.