Had contractions 5 minutes apart since last night. Not painful, just
uncomfortable. Thought I was leaking amniotic fluid so we went to the hospital where they said I was not and I was only dilated to 2 cm. and barely 60% effaced. Now back home trying to move things a long. Going to go for a walk, eat some spicy food and pineapple. We'll see if that gets the real contractions going or not!
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting. :) Hopefully your tricks help you out. Wow, almost here! So fun.
Yay!!! Exciting stuff!
One thing to remember for the hospital: charger for your cell phone. :)
Good luck!!
Crossing my fingers for you!!
I'm sending good thoughts!
No update, so maybe it was the real deal?!? Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby!
I've heard that eating egg plant will do the trick. I hate egg plant so I wouldn't try that trick and my cousin swears that is why I was a week overdue!
I tried EVERYTHING to get Cole to come out- and even went to the hospital about 24 hours before he was born and they sent me home. I bet it will be soon!
Oh and eggplant does NOT work. I made and ate a HUGE eggplant parmesan and it did nothing.
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