Had another false alarm today. Thought I was leaking amniotic fluid, again. Was in and out of the hospital within an hour and 20. Starting to recognize the nurses by now and even know the drill when I get there. Anyhoo, having tons of contractions just none with pain and not close enough together. In the meantime, my father in law sent us a bassinet/cradle for next to our bed. Originally I was planning on the baby sleeping in the crib right away or using our pack n' play next to the bed. He saw that plan and said "hell no, you need a bassinet" so he sent us one. It is super cute and I think it will work out better.
Also, when I was at Target yesterday I picked up two blazers for $15 bucks each! They were on sale. One is dark plaid and the other is short sleeved black and tweed. Super cute! I am sure I looked funny trying them on with my big belly. People must of thought I was nuts.
Ummm.... just remembered I was going to make baked apples for dessert. Must do that before I fall asleep.
How anxious are you!?!?! I can't even imagine. And what a sweet gift. I am sure that will come in super handy.
Your dessert sounds delicious and now I am hungry...
Wow. I'd be going crazy! Your time is coming soon.
I put Bayley in her crib right away and she's slept in there every night. We have a video monitor on her at all times and her room is right across the hall from ours. We keep her door open and whenever she makes a peep, I hear it. But that's what worked best for us. We have a pack n play but have never used it. At least not yet. I bet your bassinet is cute! Take a pic of it and lemme see!!
Yeah- a pack and play is SO NOT comfortable enough for a sleeping newborn. At least not by my standards- which, I could be nuts. However, my hearty 11 month old naps in his all the time now that he's bigger. No complaints. So, I guess I am just crazy.
Are you at the point yet where you want to just pee your pants as opposed to getting out of bed to pee at night.
Or was that just me?
So I guess you are just peeing your pants? I leaked urine with both of my pregnancies - especially when I did a lot of walking. This is way too much information, but sometimes I would have to change my underwear 2 or 3 times per day.
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