Monday, November 16, 2009

Skin Spends

I recently decided to invest more of my money into my skincare. I have always had pretty normal skin. Oily and slightly pimply in the teenage years, and in the twenties less oily and more dry. My skincare regimen will typically consist of just a cleanser and moisturizer with a moisturizer & sunblock for the day. I have been wearing sunblock on my face since I was probably 18 or so. I am fair skinned, have had my share of sunburns when I was stupid and in high school, but realized when I was early on in college that no matter how hard I tried, I would always be the fair one and not the bronzed and tan girl I wanted to look like. Then it felt unfair that I was so white. Now I actually like it. I know that those with the tan skin now, will be showing those first signs of aging much earlier than me. Back to my skin care regimen. I realized that I have been wasting money on drugstore products that don’t leave my face much different. I’ve used the Neutrogena Antioxidant products, Olay of Olay Regenerist, Aveeno and more Neutrogena. The cleansers are typically lackluster and the moisterizers never really feel like they are totally moisturizing my face. So I decided to invest in some Philosophy and purchased the “Make Up Optional Kit” for dry, sensitive skin. I have used this line before and I think I liked it but didn’t buy it again once I ran out because I probably bought a purse instead. I am realizing that I don’t want to be one of those Botox junkies in my forties, so am hereby taking my skincare more seriously. The fact that I have been using sunblock for so long is super critical, but I think having nicer products will be better in the long run.

I am also now committing to drinking more water everyday, with my aluminum water bottle. Also I am devoting to drink at least one cup of green tea a day. I am back to taking my multi-vitamins at night. It feels great to be focusing on this again, and I haven’t even received my new products yet!


Jen said...

Yay on all counts! I use and love Philosophy- whenever I stop using it even for a week my skin gets pissed!

Water and vitamins are uber important too! Good job!

Anth said...

I've realized that skincare is an area where it pays to buy quality. Kind of unfortunate. Ha ha

A Sephora girl gave me a sample of Kinerase Eye Rescue and I fell in love with it - I could literally SEE the difference in my eyes - until I found out it costs $78. I just cannot justify that yet. When the first wrinkle appears, I'll probably speed-order that stuff online. Until then, I've been using Philosophy's Hope in a Tube, which is satisfactory, and much more affordable.