.....and it is MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I give myself a big fat "F" for sucking at updating and posting. How are you all so good at getting on everyday? I just 1) feel like my happenings are barely fodder enough for a post 2) Just don't have the damn time to write, read and comment. Work has been busy, home life has been busy, and oh yeah, we went to VEGAS!
Yes, my friend(s), we went to Vegas. First trip away from the little one. We spent two nights in the City of Sin where we ate, gambled (I was hot at Black Jack!) saw Le Reve @ The Wynn, lounged at the pool, ate more, had massive indigestion, walked, walked, walked, ate and sipped on cocktails.
A couple things I noticed and thought about in Vegas:
1) What Recession?
2) I thought things are supposed to quiet down on Sunday & Monday nights?
3) Damn, someone turn down the heat!
4) People still smoke? What is this '86?
5) The skanks come out at night....the skanks come out at night.
6) I did not realize that kids were aloud in casinos at 11 p.m. at night when other babies and toddlers are nestled in their cozy beds, oh wait, that is just due to irresponsible parents trying to have an adult vacation but brought their kids along because they couldn't find a babysitter. Jerk offs.
7) This must be a really expensive cut of canned tuna for this sandwich to be $15 at a food court.
8) Sweet Toby Keith Bar & Grill at Harrahs! Are you serious? Wow. Only had to walk through Harrah's due to the Monorail stop letting us off their. Three minutes too long if you ask me. No offense to those who like a) Toby Keith b) Toby Keith's Bar & Grill c) Harrah's
9) I wonder if I could pull off clear heels outside of a strip club. No, we did not go to strip club. It wasn't THAT kind of trip.
10) Is that a man or a woman?
11) Craftsteak, where have you been all my life, your filet mignon is divine!
Okay, I really will try to be better at being a more neighborly blogger. I have been losing my mojo. I am now back at em people!
Yes!! #4, for real, who the hell smokes anymore?? and yet, I moved to the crazy ass midwest and they do, there they are, everywhere! And they don't even get why I'm baffled about it!
Vegas is a whole other world.
Nice to visit, but will never want to live there. I prefer to pretend those types of people are only on tv. hehe
I blog at work. During the week, early in the mornings usually...when I am too tired to do actual work. heh.
Ah, Vegas. I am not the best blogger at all. I have been a huge slacker and am trying to be better. It is so time consuming! But I love it...
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