Thursday, January 8, 2009

The tears....

They were the size of elephants as they slid down her face. I could not bear it and started in on the water works myself. Hubbs soothed her while I whimpered in the corner. A mom really can not handle seeing her child in pain.

Sonya got her 2 month shots today. I think was I was more stressed out than she was. She let out the loudest cry, it just was so sad. I nursed her in the office and she calmed down. My little hunny bunny.


Marni's Organized Mess said...

:-( I remember that pain. It gets easier, but not by much...

Stephanie said...

I'm not looking forward to this at all! My heart goes out to you!

Just Jiff said...

I had the nurse do the first set of shots while I left the room. As soon as it was over, I rushed in and scooped her up and soothed her...splashed some of my tears on her too, I think.

It always stinks, but you can hold her and feed her as soon as its over...they usually forget a few mins later.

Has anyone told you...give her Tylenol 30 mins to an hour BEFORE her appt...and that way it hurts less and she won't ache as much afterwards. NO ONE told me until AFTER poor Bayley went through it and was hurting. :(