Thursday, November 6, 2008

Random Thoughts

First I would like to say how glad I am that the election is over. I was so tired of seeing all of those proposition ads on t.v., it was just getting to be too much. Especially in between watching The Office and Grey's Anatomy.

I am also happy and hopeful about our new president. This is a very moving moment and I am glad to say I took part in this history making election.

Hubbs woke up today with the nesting bug. He finished putting together the Rainforest Bouncer which I attempted at assembling the other day. Mid way through I realized that our child would be sitting on this and I did not want to be responsible for any chair collapse so I left it for the technical mind of the hubbs where I knew it would be put together securely.

Meanwhile I am trying to get all of the laundry finished so that when we get home from the hospital I won't have to go searching for a pair of clean socks. I'm determined to have the house super clean so that when I get home I will be comfortable. I also stocked our house with antibacterial soaps so I can make sure all visitors have snot free hands when they visit and want to hold the baby.

My mom will be staying with us for a week after the baby is born. She lives locally but it will be easier if she just stays with us to assist in late night wake ups if need be. She is the best cook in the world so I can not wait to have her busting out some Paula Deen style recipes for us.

I am so excited that tomorrow is the day! Hopefully I will be able to sleep tonight because I know my body will need to rest up!


Megan said...

So, so exciting that your little one will be here tomorrow. Keeping you in my thoughts. Keep us posted!

Just Jiff said...

SO exciting! And wouldn't it be funny if you went into labor today or tonight? hehe.

And I did the same thing on the bouncy seat. LOL.

Definitely have your house spotless and ready. You'll be exhausted. And then be ready to have the house become a wreck for a couple of months. And DEFINITELY sleep tonight if you can. :)

Stephanie said...

YAY!!!! Tomorrow, tomorrow!!! I bet you are jumping around with excitement and so very anxious. I can't wait to see beautiful baby pictures!!!!! I will be thinking about you and sending all sorts of good thoughts your way.

Jen said...

OMG! Tomorrow! WHOO HOO!!! I am so happy for you. I would say try to get some sleep tonight but you probably won't. It's just too exciting!

Christy said...

I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see the pictures of the new baby:)

Stephanie said...

I'm so waiting on an update. I know that you are busy being a new mommy. I hope everything went excellent and I can't wait to see your little angel!!!!

Lainey-Paney said...

...I can't wait for you to post again!