Monday, August 25, 2008

The Three Pregmigos!

Photos from Friday, here I am 1 day shy of 30 weeks. This is of my co worker Sharon, who is due Sept. 16 (35 weeks), my sister in law Lisa who is due Oct. 19th (31 weeks) and me who is due two weeks later! We all work together so we had to get a preggo picture of the three of us since it was Sharon's last day before maternity leave. Oh yeah, our office is super casual on Fridays.


Jen said...

Aww! You guys are adorable!

Mojavi said...

you guys are so pretty prego.. except which one is you?? you guys all look alike :)

Stephanie said...

How freaking cute is that!!! How fun that you have people around you that are pregnant and you can share everything with.