Thursday, August 14, 2008

Large Marge

I have officially worked in the pregnancy waddle into my strut. I did not think it would occur at 28 weeks, more like 35. I think it started early due to my sore tail bone and sciatica, which has reappeared. I resemble a penguin that sat on something sharp.

Yesterday I had an ultrasound, I am almost 29 weeks, but the ultrasound machine was measuring me closer to 30 weeks. Baby looks great and was just kicking and kicking the entire time. I loved every minute of it. My mom came a long with us and could not get over the technology. It was cute.

Since it is Friday and like a cherry on top of a sundae (I forgot what sundaes taste like, damn no sugar) here are some pics of me, 28 weeks and counting!


Mojavi said...

you look totally siatica is killin me too!

WHen are you due? I am 32 weeks and having my c-section on the 9th of Oct.

Hey you should put an email adress in your profile so when you comment on other blogs we can respond :) I mean if you want...

Mojavi said...
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Anth said...

You look great! Not long now and you'll be done with the sciatica!

Just Jiff said...

I had sciatica too! It was awful, but it eventually went away, so hopefully yours will too.
Do your joints feel all loose, like when you walk, your bones will all collapse on the floor? haha!
You look adoreable!

Stephanie said...

You are so cute! I love the belly. I seriously can't wait to start feeling the baby move.

Jen said...

Yay! You're getting closer! So exciting!! You look amazing btw..