I have been so lazy lately. Our house looks like a disaster area. I have had no energy to clean or straighten things up. Shoes are piling up at the bottom of the stairs, mail is accumulating on the counter, books and magazines are laid out all over our couch. The thought of having a housekeeper is sounding much more appealing right now.
Mission Organization is about to begin in my house. I am determined to tackle one big project each weekend through the summer. Up first is going through our closet and bagging up any clothes that I have not worn within the last year or so. Not only will I be bagging them up, I will actually be driving my ass to Goodwill and unloading them. Yup. I will.
Next up on my organization/get in order list:
1) Organize all closets, including linen closets and purge/donate things I never use
2) Organize cabinets and cupboards
3) Clean out downstairs walk in closet
4) Order photos which are sitting on computer, and put them in catalogues and frames
5) Organize my recipe book (not a big project and can be added to another project's weekend)
6) Clean out office- this one I am not looking forward to
7) Clean out dresser(s)
My new motto is "less is more". We have a pretty big house and we have stuffed every spare closet with stuff. Stuff that should of been tossed when we moved into our house in the first place. We are only going to accumulate more things with the baby and will need that space.
1 comment:
Ah, the blessed nesting phase! My house was never so organized as it was during my second trimester.
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