Today while pretending to work, I went to the Hostess web-site and thought about whether I would rather be nibbling on Ding Dongs, Ho Ho's, or mini Donettes. I went to a junk food website and read about their products like I was researching to buy a new car. I have such a sweet tooth right now. I have limited my sugar intake since my last appt. with Substitute Doc. and have done pretty well... but for some reason I got to thinking about those chocolate, shiny, waxy tasting mini donuts which go so well with a nice glass of milk. donuts... we could be such good friends... I could keep a package of you in my desk and I would slowly eat one at a time so that the pack would last through the day. No one would have to know about us.
I was lusting and maybe even starting to drool therefore very embarrassed when a coworker snuck up on me to ask me about a project. I quickly clicked out of my sweet heaven like I was trying to hide something and pulled my head out of my tasty bliss and got back to work.
How funny. At least you have an excuse, I do those kinds of things all the time and I'm not even pregnant. lol
I craved fake nasty things like that too. I devoured Kraft macaroni n cheese right along with my daughter while I was pregnant. Now just the thought of that stuff is gross!
lol... I am addicted to mini frosted donettes... don't give me a bag because it will be gone in an hour!
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