Friday, June 6, 2008

Fartin' Friday

Yes, you read right. This post is about farts. I am a girl who farts and proud of it. Some ladies I know are bashful about farts, but the matter is we all do it, whether they are SBD's or loud cheek flappers. I do not fart in front of anyone except my parents, brother, sister in law or hubbs. I grew up in a house where my dad and brother regularly tried to out do each other. Very classy.

Very early on in our relationship, I squeaked out a fart in front of my hubbs and it was game on from there. He is a farter (although not as bad as other people I know) but farts WAY more than me. I really am not that gassy, compared to some other ladies I know, but since being pregnant I have had the stinkiest farts ever. They are so stinky, they make me have to clear the room. This is quite amazing to me. I do not even try to let the hubbs smell them as they are that horrendous.

Not sure what this little baby is doing in my belly to create this stinky odor which permeates from my tush, all I know is that my new technique is to crop dust. This entails letting out a couple of little spurts while walking so that the odor does not sit in one area. Just looking out for everyone else is all.


Lindz said...

Cheek-flappers - amazing term! My dad is an open farter too, so is Josh. They have yet to fart together but regardless I am surrounded. I just can't manage to make my farts make noise. Frustrating.

Stephanie said...

OMG, I am rolling right now. I think that was the most awesome post. Lately my boyfriend has been letting out some pretty disgusting farts, they have gagged me. I have never ever been able to fart infront of anyone knowingly...

Marni's Organized Mess said...
