Thursday, April 24, 2008

My New Indulgence

Hubbs is a wrestling coach during the winter and he is off at tourneys many a weekends leaving me at home to sulk and watch chic shows and movies.

One cold Friday night, I was home alone eating take out while the hubbs was off in some exotic town, like Bakersfield or something. I started watching a little show I had heard something about. It was called Gossip Girl. There was a marathon going so I was able to watch at least four shows and quickly got sucked into the elite social circle of New York's Upper East Side. That little marathon turned into programming the TiVo to record every Gossip Girl episode here on out. When the writer's strike occurred I was devasted. What was I supposed to do for three months, read or something? Then this juicy indulgence finally came back on this week. I can not believe how much I missed that show.

I am not an Idol, Lost or Dancing With the Stars watcher.... no I pass those up to watch Gossip Girl. It is like Beverly Hills 90210, but smarter and much more rich. The writing is way too mature for high school kids, but I still love it. Maybe it is the complex relationships each character has been woven into, or the dark pasts they all try to shield from their peers, or maybe it is the lifestyle of they all live, whatever it is, I am sucked in.

1 comment:

Marni's Organized Mess said...

Our cable is ending tonight at midnight. I am so stoked, it's pathetic.