Today is my 26th birthday. I am at work. Acting like I am working. Most of my coworkers are out of the office or sick so we could not do a group lunch to celebrate. They did send me some exotic looking flowers though and the hubbs also sent me a large bouquet too. I instead went to grab a mini salad and a weird looking quiche from a good market nearby but was tempted to just hall ass into the Carl's Junior parking lot and get a Superstar meal. It sounded so good.... I was craving it but decided to be good since my dinner will take care of my calorie quota for the day. Not that I count, I just try to not get crazy, which it seems like I have been doing lately. I rarely eat fast food, but sometimes you just need to.
Hubbs made me breakfast in bed. Because I have been so nauseated lately it was nice to eat before I got out of bed. I wore a new shirt my mom gave me this past weekend. We are going to our favorite French restaurant for dinner. It is so good. Hopefully I will get the cherries jubilee for dessert. Ummm.... So that is basically it for my typical birthday. Oh yeah, a couple of my coworkers brought in cupcakes in serenaded me at 9 a.m. That was fun.
Happy birthday! Personally I have found 26 to be fun, I hope you do too. ;)
Happy birthday! I just turned 26 too. Except I didn't get to go out for a fancy dinner. Hope you have fun!
Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm a day late but I hope it was wonderful (and wine-filled.)
Happy birthday!!
So now you need to tell us about your dinner!!
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