Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'll be Around

Snooze button, snooze button, snooze button, okay I'm up, get ready, Miss S ready, pack lunch(s), Elmo time, load up, forget something, try it again, daycare drop off, highway to the danger zone to work, early morning meetings, more meetings, plow through work, eat lunch at desk, projects, meetings, pack up, drive home listening to California Gurls, dinner, playtime, bathtime, snuggle time, bed time, me time, lazy time, bed time. Rinse and repeat.

That's where I have been. Oh, and at the pool on the weekends. You would never know because I am still white as hell.

Monday, June 21, 2010

The Summer List

While I don’t get a summer break, I still want to accomplish some things this summer that I don’t see myself doing the rest of the year.

- Read 3 books, however it takes me so long to decide what to read. I need suggestions.

- Keep cut flowers on the dining table at all times

- Declutter closets (I think I have put that on my to list for the last several years)

- Cash in the change in glass canning 10 lb. jar on my dresser. Whatever I get from it will go towards a rainy day.

- Learn to cook one new recipe a week

- Get back into The 30 Day Shred DVD (because I just found it in my bedroom)

- Brown bag it to work 4 out of 5 days a week (I have to allow for one weekly splurge)

- Learn how to use our Nikon DSLR camera to its potential

- Not dress like a lazy ass on the weekends. This one, I am already turning around.

- Enroll Miss S in Mommy & Me Swim Classes
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Monday, June 14, 2010


So my weekend was a warm and sunny. So warm that we had to turn on the AC, Miss S played in the sprinkler (so high class) and I went searching for summer dresses for the entire family minus except for Hubbs. It felt like the first real summer weekend we have had around here because our weather has been so crappy and January-like.

We decided we wanted to join a close by Health Club with a great pool and planned that yesterday would be a great day to test it out. Miss S was acting strange all morning, refusing to eat or drink even water and to the touch her head was warm. Not much of a temp, but as soon as 11:30 a.m. rolled around she was passed out for her nap, without even a bite of lunch.So she woke up her normal self and I offered her JELLO (I thought this was a genius idea) and blueberries, things I knew she would want to eat. She wolfed them down and we decided to pack up and head to the pool. I should of known she was still not feeling fine when she didn’t eat her goldfishies on the way over. This girl never turns down goldfishies.

Swimming was fine but when we got out she just sat on my lap and we lounged for a good 30 minutes. Which I totally loved because she never snuggles long like that. Notice my Happy Face!

I soon noticed her kind of grunting (or so I thought) until all of a sudden she spewed out bright red liquid Jello and blueberries, I am sure it was horrifying to see and so much for that genius idea. Turns out, super sweet things like that are not digested well. Who knew? We cleaned her up, got her home and into bed.

Needless to say, my lofty idea of BBQ-ing hamburgers, having corn on the cob and making potato salad went out the window and Hubbs and I ended up having Carl’s Jr. where I also learned they have changed up their recipe for French Fries, which I was completely disappointed about. But I was still able to shove them down.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Amazon Shout Out

I posted here about two things I had purchased at Amazon. I read the cookbook and learned a quite deal about Olive Oil and antioxidents in Herbs. I have yet to make any recipes, but I plan to this week or next. Everything seems to look very yummy. I did pick up some fresh Basil today just to start using more fresh herbs rather than dried.

As far as Mommywood, I am still reading it. It is entertaining, however, not too complex of writing, but if you want a quick summer chic lit book, here it is.

Now on to my latest Amazon purchase...... wait for it......

Ta Da!

The Keurig B60 Special Edition Gourmet Single Cup Coffee Maker. It is AWESOME! Not only is it sooooo quick to set up (no more filling up a filter, spilling coffee grounds and pouring in the water). Also, no more coming out into the kitchen to find that coffee has overflowed out of the pot on to the counter and floors.
The coffee tastes really fresh and yummy. I am no coffee snob, but I do notice the difference between stale, bland and sour coffee and so far this sucker has not produced any of those. I am a smitten kitten. I truly believe this will change your morning routine has much as it has mine. I have easily shaved off 5 minutes of my a.m. scramble. I need all the help I need in the morning for this working mom.

What will be my Amazon purchase next week???

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Miss S split open her bottom lip on Thursday morning. I was just barely into the door at work when I got the phone call from Daycare saying that she had tripped and fell and that she might need stitches. I heard her wails in the background and I knew it was serious because:

1) She is super tough and rarely carries on after she falls, and she falls hard ALL. THE. TIME
2) The word stitches. The thought of stitches on my little girl made me shiver and I immediately called hubbs to pick her up and headed over to the doctor's to meet her. I myself, received stitches to my head when I was a 5 and I still remember the pain. Not to mention the 40 or so to my forehead when I was 18 from a car accident. Stitches suck and are scary.

When I saw the lip I thought to myself there was no way she wasn't getting stitches. I pictured Hubbs and I holding down her flailing arms and legs as the doctor tried to administer the numbing shots. NO THANK YOU. I started tearing up at the thought when Hubbs told me to calm down and be strong for her.

Just then the doctor came in, inspected her and exclaimed "You are lucky! No stitches!". Apparently, since the cut was right on the top of her lip and not on her face, it would heal really quickly.

Unfortunately, every time I looked at her lip I got queasy. It looked like the frickin' Grand Canyon. And so the doctor noticed and told me I should sit down. Ummm.... so much for being strong.

So we hung out at home for the rest of the day. I tried not to look at her owie and I smothered her in kisses and hugs, and some Jello and ice cream.

Now it just looks like a grey blister right on her bottom lip, I still can't believe how quick it has healed. Still pretty yucky, but it seems to be healing nicely. The rest of the weekend was much less stress.

Although, Miss S managed to skin her knee and hand and take a couple other falls off the couch, etc. Good thing I hi-lite my hair or else I would be gray by the time I am 30!