Sonya has a cold with yellow snot and everything. Glad I am working from home with her today so she can take it easy and rest up.
I have a 3 year old's birthday party to attend with Miss S tomorrow, we'll see if we end up going, guess it depends on if she still has a cold. Don't want to get other kiddies sick too. Hubbs will be attending a golf extragaganza.
My big toe nail has cracked half way down. It doesn't hurt...yet, I am sure I will stub my toe on something which will then yank back the crack thus resulting in serious F-Bombs.
We are going to Target today to get more toys. Miss S is starting to get bored with a lot of her toys so it is out with the old, in with the new!
I finally got my eyebrows waxed yesterday. Phew! They look so much better and I don't look like I have been living in the Amazon.
It is hotter than heck around these parts, the worst part, it's H-U-M-I-D. Our heat is usually dry so I don't know how to handle myself around this moisture.
Aight, the little one is up from her midday nap. Enjoy the weekend!

"I want more toys!"