Friday, August 28, 2009

Current Events

Sonya has a cold with yellow snot and everything. Glad I am working from home with her today so she can take it easy and rest up.
I have a 3 year old's birthday party to attend with Miss S tomorrow, we'll see if we end up going, guess it depends on if she still has a cold. Don't want to get other kiddies sick too. Hubbs will be attending a golf extragaganza.

My big toe nail has cracked half way down. It doesn't hurt...yet, I am sure I will stub my toe on something which will then yank back the crack thus resulting in serious F-Bombs.

We are going to Target today to get more toys. Miss S is starting to get bored with a lot of her toys so it is out with the old, in with the new!

I finally got my eyebrows waxed yesterday. Phew! They look so much better and I don't look like I have been living in the Amazon.

It is hotter than heck around these parts, the worst part, it's H-U-M-I-D. Our heat is usually dry so I don't know how to handle myself around this moisture.

Aight, the little one is up from her midday nap. Enjoy the weekend!

"I want more toys!"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Green with Envy

I have noticed many bloggers out there who have incredible photo taking skills. I mean, they should be paid for taking such fine shots. How come I can't have skills like that? I am green with envy. I try to be artistic with my photos but after a couple attempts decide that heck, I might as well pay someone to do that.

It was decided this past weekend that I am to refocus energy into meal planning. Lately, as I bitch about a lot on this blog, I have been doing such boring and uncreative meals. How many times can you do raviolis? And the kicker? I am a good cook. Seriously. I am. You eat at my house? You are eating comfort foot. No gourmet shit here. I cook things that stick to your ribs, dammit. Stuff that you can walk away from the table and say "damn, that was grub!". Last night I busted out Tamale Pie, straight from the Better Homes & Gardens cookbook, but the 1963 version!!! The book was my grandma's and the recipes are so funny, and sometimes horrifying (Spam & Noddle Casserole?) but there are some great tried and true recipes that are timeless, such as Tamale Pie.

Sonya now says Dog, Cat and today she said Tractor when she was watching the Baby Einstein Old MacDonald DVD. So cute.

I think my eye site is going downhill. I have worn reading glasses since I was 7, but being back at work has shown me that my eyes really suck now, especially when I look into the distance. So today I am wearing these Versace glasses in silver and already I feel so much better. I have an appt. in a couple weeks to get my eyes checked out and see if I need a stronger prescription. Exciting, I know.

Friday, August 21, 2009

My Eyebrows Need To Be Waxed & Other Things About Me

My eyebrows look like overgrown shrubs in front of an office building, okay, an exaggeration, but still, they are annoying the shit out of me. My lady can't get me in until Weds. Apparently there are a lot of other hairy people out there too.

I always have an orchid in the kitchen and toss and replace it as soon as the blooms fall off. Orchids make me feel for a minute like I am somewhat sophisticated. Plus they will bloom for a couple of months at a time so I totally get my bang for the buck.

I think I should invest in GAP Inc. as I seriously think I can shop for the entire family from Banana, GAP and Old Navy without having to go anywhere else.

Our house needs to be deep cleaned so bad, but I keep hoping that one day I am going to come home from work and magically a fairy maid has cleaned the house.

I finally got caught up on all of the MAD MEN Season 1 episodes. Now I need to cram in Season 2 so I can actually watch the Season 3 episodes now that they are airing. It is such an awesome show for the clothes, the culture, the language, the way it captures the era and of course, I don't mind watching me some Don Draper, ah har har har.

Grilled cheese sandwiches have crept into our weekly dinner menu a lot more lately. It's usually on Thursday nights that I do the whole head scratch, realize that I forgot to take chicken or something out of the freezer and resort to good ol grilled cheese.

I think I yelled at Hubbs in the middle of the night last night because he was breathing loud. I was sleep talking, of course :)

I weigh three pounds less than my pre-pregnancy weight. I have been at this weight since 4 months postpartum. I actually think I look better now than before minus the fact that I am now a whole cup size smaller and smaller around too. Weird how childbirth does that to you.

Peace out!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


I met up with an old friend yesterday for lunch. We had a falling out back in our college days and recently reconnected at a mutual friend's wedding. He was one of my best pals back in high school. Looking back on it, I had three close guy friends which I rotated through the years. Of course I had girl friends, but I just got a long better with the guys. They didn't get jealous and catty like those girls did.

So anyways, it was fun seeing this old friend. He used to be a heavy drinker, would be a jerk when he was drunk (which I think is why we stopped talking) and could be just obnoxious, but the most of the time he cracked me up with his humor and wit. It was nice to see he has really matured and has settled down with his long time girlfriend. He asked me what it was like now being a parent, and it made me think for a minute.

This is something I think about all the time, but it is just so hard to get the words right and out correctly. But it just came to me.

Each day I wake up happy. I am happy about the day ahead, week ahead, even months and years ahead. Because now that we have Sonya, problems I might of stressed over a year ago, just don't faze me as much anymore. I look forward to everything. When I get down, I just think of her smiling face and the three of us as a little family unit. It is so strong, it is what makes me happy. After dropping Sonya off at daycare, I pass by an elementary school where parents hold their kindergartner's hands as they prance up the walkway. Watching them, brings a smile to my face. Such a simple thing, but just so wonderful.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Someone is Lagging in the Blogging Department....

.....and it is MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I give myself a big fat "F" for sucking at updating and posting. How are you all so good at getting on everyday? I just 1) feel like my happenings are barely fodder enough for a post 2) Just don't have the damn time to write, read and comment. Work has been busy, home life has been busy, and oh yeah, we went to VEGAS!

Yes, my friend(s), we went to Vegas. First trip away from the little one. We spent two nights in the City of Sin where we ate, gambled (I was hot at Black Jack!) saw Le Reve @ The Wynn, lounged at the pool, ate more, had massive indigestion, walked, walked, walked, ate and sipped on cocktails.

A couple things I noticed and thought about in Vegas:
1) What Recession?
2) I thought things are supposed to quiet down on Sunday & Monday nights?
3) Damn, someone turn down the heat!
4) People still smoke? What is this '86?
5) The skanks come out at night....the skanks come out at night.
6) I did not realize that kids were aloud in casinos at 11 p.m. at night when other babies and toddlers are nestled in their cozy beds, oh wait, that is just due to irresponsible parents trying to have an adult vacation but brought their kids along because they couldn't find a babysitter. Jerk offs.
7) This must be a really expensive cut of canned tuna for this sandwich to be $15 at a food court.
8) Sweet Toby Keith Bar & Grill at Harrahs! Are you serious? Wow. Only had to walk through Harrah's due to the Monorail stop letting us off their. Three minutes too long if you ask me. No offense to those who like a) Toby Keith b) Toby Keith's Bar & Grill c) Harrah's
9) I wonder if I could pull off clear heels outside of a strip club. No, we did not go to strip club. It wasn't THAT kind of trip.
10) Is that a man or a woman?
11) Craftsteak, where have you been all my life, your filet mignon is divine!
Okay, I really will try to be better at being a more neighborly blogger. I have been losing my mojo. I am now back at em people!

Friday, August 7, 2009

9 Months

Dear Sonya,
I can't believe you are 9 months old today. How the time has flown by. Each day my heart is so full of love for you. Each day, I can't believe how much fun you are. Oh, the things that crack you up. When Puss or Lucy are in the room, you crawl right over to them to pat and pet. Your love of peek a boo and hide n' seek is hilarious. Your squeals of delight when you find me around the corner and when I sneak up on you are just priceless. I could listen to your giggles all day long. Today you said Dog as I pointed Lucy out to you. You are so smart.

You not only love to giggle, you love to play and get into everything. I know when I see that twinkle in your eye and you purse you lips, you are about to take off crawling to find something you shouldn't play with. You are constantly on the go. Pulling yourself up to the couch is your hobby. You eat anything and everything, even if you don't like something, you will at least try it. Your favorites are peaches and avocado, and you recently discovered ice cream.

I recently was watching some home videos of you when you were a newborn. How little you were! With those big cheeks and black hair and your steel grey/blue eyes. Now your cheeks are a little less pudgy but a dimple has appeared on your left cheek and your hair is a honey brown with a hint of red in the sun. Your eyes are a beautiful green hazel. You have two teeth on the bottom and two teeth on top. And your favorite toy is the squeaky wood monkey your Gigi got you for Easter.

Your dad and I are so in love with you. You make every day something to look forward to. Everyday brings a new adventure. You are my love, my life, my girl.

All Up in a Nutshell

Fair with the family, Sonya's first ice cream cone, messy faces, dinner with the in laws, visit with my sister in law, strategy meetings, corn flake chicken and smashed red potatoes, stacks of laundry lined up in the master bedroom, a constipated baby, shopping with my mom and Sonya, working late at night on the laptop, ignoring laundry in dryer, planning meetings, Rigatoni at a Italian restaurant with hubb's dad and brother, working at home with a mischievous 9 month old who can't get enough of testing her mom. How I love her.