Friday, July 31, 2009

My New Addiction

I never, ever, ever, ever thought I would be writing this.... I have an addiction and I will blame it on my hubbs who purchased my XM for my car. The drug of choice? Howard Stern. I am a closet addict. Yes, I am. There are days I am appalled by what I hear, days that I thoroughly agree with his opinions, and days that I simply have to change the channel, but I continue to go back everyday to get my fix.

I used to hate him. Hubbs listened to him and I thought he was revolting. And really, he is. There is no denying it. However, he has some really good points, funny side kicks and I love the guests he gets. How many times am I bored with the canned answers of celebrities on Live with Regis and Kelly but as soon as they go on Howard, they are funny, crass and say things that make me like them more or less.

You should of seen the face my mom made when I told her I listened to him. "Howard Stern is disgusting Stef". I know he is, but once you start listening you can't turn away. Is it sad that hubbs and I discuss the guests and happenings of the show at dinner time? Do I need an intervention? Obviously, I don't listen to him with Sonya in the car. I don't want her first words to be Whisky Tango Foxtrot if you know what I mean.

So there you have it. The cat is out of the bag. I am hooked. Anyone else a fan? I know it goes against what a lot of women stand for, but I know it is in good fun and figure I could listen to someone way worse, like Rush Limbaugh or something :)

Sunday, July 26, 2009

A Woodchuck, Could Chuck, Could Chuck Wood... or a Crib Rail

So, we have a wood chuck on our hands, in the form of a plump, dimpled and grinning 8 month old. We discovered our little creature in the act on Tuesday when I came in and found her standing up in her crib. I noticed white flecks all over her face and assumed it was maybe some dried formula? How lame am I? Then I looked down at the railing and saw bite marks all up and down the railing. Pour thing is teething like crazy. She has three, THREE!!!, teeth coming through on top and probably a fourth right behind them. She has been pissed, and so would I. I have been giving her Orajel and teething toys, but the only things that seem to work are baby Tylenol and Motrin.

Daycare was closed all last week. Hubbs did Daddy Daycare 2009 on Monday and Tuesday and I was home with her Weds-Friday. I worked from home intermittently, but really it was nice to stick my middle finger up at them for awhile as I am getting burnt out. Back to the swing of things tomorrow. Yuck. I think Sonya will be ready to go back too. I think she is way more stimulated at Daycare, even if I take her to the park, on walks, around the mall, Target, etc. to get her out. She still prefers hanging out with her kiddy friends.

This weekend has come and gone so quickly once again. We went to a graduation party, out to breakfast, ran errands, used up my Gymbucks at Gymboree (they must have the smartest marketing team ever) and did my regular Sunday grocery shopping. Enchiladas for dinner followed by some play time and then the Next Food Network Star!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gettin' All Girly

My Girly Peanut at 8 months.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Things I have done this week therefore requiring me to not blog:

1) Started vacuuming the downstairs but stopped when Run's House came on t.v. thus leaving Dyson vacuum in living room for two days
2) Watered outside plants over and over to prevent them from drooping during the intense heat
3) Went swimming with hubbs and Sonya at the brother in law's house after work
4) Started one load of laundry when in reality I needed to do 10 loads- that one load is still sitting in dryer waiting to be folded
5) Admired the new rug for Sonya's room that I got on sale at Pottery Barn Kids
6) Played with Sonya on new rug
7) Engaged in countless games of Peek a Boo, Hide and Seek and cuddle time with the Sonya girl
8) Made spinach and Parmesan ravioli's that were a bit too rich for me
9) Sat on couch
10) Washed 547 bottles
11) Made a batch of baby food
12) Watched Sonya make faces at homemade chicken, peas and carrots dinner. Who knew she would like Nature's Best better?
13) Left cat's puke sit on carpet for two days until my mom saw it and was so disgusted that she took care of it herself
14) Read Rattled! before bed and was not impressed
15) Sat on couch again
16) Oh yeah, I worked.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Four Years

Four years ago today, I was 23 years old and walking down the aisle to the man of my dreams. I remember the way he looked at me as he got his first glimpse of his glowing bride. I will never forget that moment- his look of awe and genuine love. That's my hubbs, and he hasn't stopped showing that for me ever since.

I have to admit I am quite lucky. I found my soul mate at a young age. We made it through the trials of college together, a nasty car accident, insecurities and just overall stress that it seemed natural we would get married to each other. We have now been together for over 9 years. It's crazy to me to realize that some people get married barely after a year of dating. I think about how I am still learning about what makes the hubb's tick and him too, learning about me.

This past year we have gone through so much together. Our marriage has been tested but we have become so much stronger from the obstacles we have encountered. Maybe a little blessing named Sonya had something to do with it :) Having a baby together has been the most exhilarating thing I have ever experienced. To watch her grow and know that the two of us created her with our love, just fills my heart.

So enough of the sappiness. My man is my rock, my shrink, personal trainer when I want him to be, partner in crime, food critic that rarely criticizes, reality tv watching confidante, best friend, but most importantly my love.

Here's to many, many more together!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Someone slap me now!

Want to sleep right now. The last few nights have been interrupted either by Lucy barfing, Lucy barking at something super scary outside, like a leaf blowing by or Hubbs running down the stairs after Lucy to get her outside before she barfs. I am tired. So tired. I have gotten back onto drinking caffeine in the morning, only by accident. I bought regular instead of decaf the other day and have been drink the jet fuel since. I swear caffeine makes me more tired. It picks me up drops me before I can even say "damn!".

Our original plans for the 4th were to go up to the coast to our family's house. Then we changed our mind and decided to just keep it local. We both have Friday off so figured it would be a fabulous weekend to do all kinds of exotic and glamorous things, like get baby gates installed in the house (to prevent little snicklefritz from terrorizing), or wash the windows, pull weeds, scrub the grout on the kitchen tile or brush my hair 500 times. You get it. Realistically we will only get the baby gates up and then I will spend the rest of the weekend returning items at either Target or Macy's that Sonya has already outgrown, maybe going swimming, and then doing 357 loads of laundry and still not be done. The house will be partially cleaned and I might get some baby food made. But whatever, as long as I get to spend it with my girl and man, then I am happy!

Happy 4th of July!